How do you learn to remix/mashup songs?

The best remix/mashup tool that I’ve used is Ableton Live. For many years I used a combination of Recycle, Reason and Pro Tools, which was cumbersome and labor-intensive. Ableton handles the same tasks more easily and has a bunch of cool effects the other programs don’t.

There’s no way to separate out the different tracks from a mixed song. If you want the vocals isolated, you need to get your hands on the acapella version of the song. DJ versions of pop and hip-hop singles often include the acapella and instrumental. Every so often a band will sell or give away “stems” — tracks with each instrument isolated. Stems also sometimes leak onto the web. Google is your friend here.

If you can’t get your hands on acapellas, instrumentals or stems, you can still do a lot of creative mashing up. Look for sections that are “in the clear,” where one instrument plays in isolation. Intros, endings and breakdown sections are good places to look for samples. I’m especially fond of laying a funky rhythm section break under a jazz or folk song, for example the breakdown of “1999” by Prince under “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall” by Bob Dylan.

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As for how to learn: just do it, do it, do it. The web is loaded with useful tutorials. Find some other DJs and remixers and ask for tips, or collaborate. The beauty of the digital music world is that busting out tracks and sharing them for comments and criticism costs nothing but your time. Don’t be too precious about your ideas. Get your tracks finished and play them for other people as often you can. After you do a couple dozen, they’ll start sounding musical, and after a hundred you’ll have some stuff that you’re proud of. Most importantly: have fun.

Here my recent remixes and mashups, enjoy:

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Original post on Quora

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