Nicest blog comment ever

Received via email from one Pierre Boyer:

Wow. I just stumbled upon your blog tonight, and I’ve been reading it for 4 hours straight now. I just can’t stop. I’ve been a rock enthusiast, guitar player and amateur composer for some years,but only as a hobby. Being more of a scientific mind, I’ve always tried to find patterns in the music I like, as much out of curiosity about *why* I liked this particular song and not this one, as because it gave me clues for my compositions. That lead me to moody all-nighters (probably like this one) reading countless scientific literature pdfs about psychoacoustics when I really should be sleeping. I’ve always made small experiments whenever I thought I found a pattern. Using GuitarPro (which, I now realize, is just a dumbed-down version of your ideal 3-in-1 tool of transcription,edition and recording) and tabs I found on the net. So just imagine how I felt reading the first few articles on your blog :D. I also happen to LOVE physics, mathematics, and anything that provides abstract and mathematically-beautiful models about the world we live in. I’m not very good at getting ideas from my mind on a paper in a structured or even remotely intelligible way however. And your blog…it’s just… It’s like everything I ever thought of or considered (and a LOT LOT more stuff that I never thought of and just blew my mind),but could never clearly state or manage to get my head around is just there, beautifully told, expertly written, using a nice wordpress theme. I can’t stress enough how much in awe I am right now. You definitely are one of the most clever and useful person I’ve ever met in my life (well, read, but you get the point) and will probably met. I’ll be reading your blog like mad for the next few hours, and probably a few days after that, and some more days again after that. And from the very little I had time to read, it’ll probably change my understanding of music, and my whole life in general, forever. I also agree with you about the western way of teaching music, which I took class of for 3 years before I just couldn’t stand this non-sensical and counter-intuitive way of notation and composition. Which also is,I guess, one of the thing that pushed me to look somewhere else for answers. I also read books about copyright (like that one by Lessig recommended on xkcd) and thermodynamics, and pretty much all the stuff that is featured on this blog. Well, as you can see by now, I didn’t lie about not being able to write anything structured :p. I just wanted to let you know how much of a miracle your blog is to me right now. I sincerely, whole-heartedly thank you for putting all that priceless knowledge for free on the internet.

Greetings from France !

Pierre. (Not a native speaker)

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