Booking me for workshops

I want to expand my private teaching and speaking practice. If you were to book me for a workshop or seminar, what would you want it to be about? Music production? Intellectual property and authorship? Music and math? Music and science? Music pedagogy? Improvisation and flow, both in music and in life generally? Something else?

Ethan does his thing

I’d be happy to visit your music classroom, non-music classroom, company, co-working space, or community organization. Here are some instructional videos of mine to give you a sense of my style.

I do traditional music teaching and production too, but I’m pitching here to people who don’t consider themselves to be “musicians” (spoiler alert: everybody is a musician, you just might not have found your instrument yet.) Group improvisation on iOS devices or laptops is always a good time, and it’s easier than you would think to attain musical-sounding results. Instrument design with the Makey Makey is a fun one too. If you have Ableton Live and are wondering what to do with it, a remix and mashup workshop would be just the thing. All of the above activities are revelatory windows into user interface and experience design. Group music-making is an excellent team-building exercise, and is just generally a spa treatment for the soul. Get in touch with your suggestions, requests and questions.

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  1. Hi Ethan,

    I’d love to get you to come and do a residency in Music Education at the Sydney Conservatorium. I’ve spent a lot of time reading your stuff since I read your upcoming chapter for the OUP handbook (and, as you know, responded to it enthusiastically!). In our “Popular Music Studies” course this semester a section of your master’s thesis is one of the readings that students can respond to on the place of popular music in music ed. And I’d very much like to get you on Skype for my students in “Technology in Music Education” next semester.

    I can probably cover your flight in 2016 if I work closely with my chair and our masterclass funds, plus pay you a regular lecturing rate to speak in one course for each year of our degree over a week. It won’t make you rich and you may need to sleep on my sofa, but it would be an experience!

