Recursive remixes

Here’s a strange and interesting thing that happened to me. The assignment for Disquiet Junto project 233 was to remix three tracks. The assignment for Junto project 234 was to metaremix one of the remixes from project 233. One of the people whose remix I metaremixed was listening to my track and accidentally had it playing in two different browser tabs simultaneously. He liked how it sounded, so he did a metametaremix with two copies of my metaremix offset by a few beats. It came out amazing!

Here’s a flowchart if you’re perplexed:

Junto metametaremix flowchart

Networked creativity with internet strangers is so much more interesting to me than any other kind of composition. Why would you want to locked up inside your head with your music when it could be an ongoing conversation with random people all over the world?

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