Ben Shapiro has opinions about rap

Ben Shapiro is not a big rap fan. He expressed this opinion on Twitter a few years ago with his customary nuance.Ben Shapiro - rap isn't music

Shapiro gave a longer version of this argument on his podcast recently while interviewing a rapper named Zuby. Given how he feels about rap, a rapper would seem like a surprising choice for Shapiro. However, don’t be fooled. Shapiro didn’t invite him on the merits of his music; Zuby is best known for making a hilarious joke about transgender people. (Why do transphobic conservatives only have one joke?) Here’s the relevant part of the interview:

Shapiro was a child prodigy on the violin, and his father was a composer who went to music school. So obviously his opinion about rap is valid. Anyway, if ever there was some audio that demanded a remix, this is it.

You can read more about the making of this track here.

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