Glenn Gould wanted me to make this remix

Glenn Gould thought people should make their own edits of classical recordings.

He explains this idea in greater depth here. I read it and thought, challenge accepted!

Here’s a recording of Gould’s that I particularly like, of Bach’s Sinfonia No. 9 in F minor.

I did a straightforward remix where I quantized the whole piece and put it over some beats sampled from Michael Jackson and Duke Ellington.

Next, I did a more ambitious remix. I took some choice loops and put them over breakbeats sampled from James Brown, Funkadelic, Lyn Collins, Parliament, and Melvin Bliss. I also ran Glenn Gould’s speech from the video above through iZotope Nectar for the Auto-Tune effect.


I am not the first person to have had this idea. Uninvited Guests made a whole Glenn Gould mixtape. You can download it from Datpiff! Thanks for encouraging us to do this, Glenn Gould.

Hear all of my classical remixes here.

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