Lonely Woman but it’s Gregorian chant

This morning I saw this tweet:

I read it and thought, huh, that’s interesting. So I opened an Ableton session and put “Lonely Woman” by Ornette Coleman on a track. I have a few Hildegard von Bingen pieces in my iTunes, and I dragged them onto other tracks.

Literally the first one I tried superimposed on Ornette was “Responsorium I: Nobilissima viriditas 39 Item de virginibus (VI)” performed by Ensemble San Felice. They sounded incredible together, without my doing any aligning or transposing at all. I did an additional two minutes of production to make them the same length, and this was the result.

I agree with this response:


Also, while you’re here, you might enjoy my mashup of “Lonely Woman” by Ornette with “Lonely Woman” by Horace Silver.

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