A commenter on the last post informed me of a remarkable fact: for most of the twentieth century, Hohner harmonicas were tuned in just intonation, not twelve-tone equal temperament. This is surprising! Just about every fixed-pitch instrument in the Western world is tuned in 12-TET unless it’s highly specialized or esoteric. The most detailed information I can find on this subject is this post on a Hohner discussion forum. It says that before 1974, Hohner harmonicas were tuned in seven-limit just intonation. This doesn’t mean some weird Harry Partch tuning; Hohner used mostly five-limit intervals along with the harmonic seventh. In 1985, Hohner switched to nineteen-limit just intonation (!) because it gives pure intervals that approximate 12-TET more closely. In 1992, they switched again to a variety of tunings that split the difference between just intonation and twelve-tone equal temperament.
Before your eyes start glazing over, the important thing here is that when midcentury blues musicians like Little Walter Jacobs were playing their Hohner Marine Bands and Special 20s, they were playing in just intonation.