Our book is out!

I wrote a book with Will Kuhn and now it exists in real life! You can buy it from Oxford University Press, Amazon, Powell’s, Apple Books, and many other places. The foreword is by Adam Neely. Electronic Music School is a complete guide to starting and running a creative music technology program. We include many …

Conversation with Jim Frankel on the MusicFirst podcast

The Electronic Music School promotional tour kicks off with an appearance on the MusicFirst Podcast, hosted by our old friend and MusicFirst founder Dr Jim Frankel. Enjoy the mellifluous sound of my new Shure SM7B.  

The NYU Music Education Popular Music Practicum

This year, for the first time, I’m co-teaching the NYU Steinhardt Music Education Popular Music Practicum with Dr Kimberly McCord. Kimberly is doing the first half of the semester, and I’m doing the second half. She’s covering live performance and improvisation in the rock and “modern band” idioms, and I’m doing songwriting and remixing in …

Will Kuhn and I finished our book

For the past year or so, Will Kuhn and I have been writing a book for Oxford University Press called Electronic Music School: A Contemporary Approach to Teaching Musical Creativity. Late last night, we submitted the finished manuscript to Oxford. There are still multiple rounds of copyedits and page proofs to do before it hits …